A mysterious dance of 5 women is revealed in an enormous, old and dusty mill to the sound of a heavy machine. While creating this video I was working with the image of travelling in time through glimpses of relationships between a group of women, appearing and disappearing, like coming and going generations inhabiting a steady space that gets old.
Composition: Einat Tal.
Performance: Ingrid Domingo, Maria Ruiz, Mia Esteve, Marta Alarcon, Mireia Sala, Einat Tal.
Sountrack: Heavy Machine Sound Effects
Videodance: Marc Vilaseca.
Danced version: December 2016 in St.Jeroni’s school gym in Sant Pere de Riudebitlles.
Videodance recording: in May 2017 inside the old mill Ca l’Oliver in Sant Quintí de Mediona.
The videodance presentation took place on the 27th and 28th of October 2017, at Cal Xerta in Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, as part of the 5th edition of the Glop d’Art festival. Part of the presentation was a short version of the piece, danced by the Dancingdays’ members, and was led to an open improvisation with invited participants of the public. The videodance was again presented on the 25th and 26th of November 2017 in Mediona.